Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Shana Tova

To my dear friends, family, and Rachel. Sorry but for more than a week I've had both hands tied behind my back. In '07, that is what happens when you experience computer meltdown (well, maybe not you, but definitely me). Now I only have one hand in restraints, that is because.........Mazal Tov........ I have pristine new white Mac. It is beautiful, but I have no idea how to use it.

Can anyone out there recommend a "dummies" type book that would help me out with the basics?

I have been obsessing about my computer for some weeks now. I certainly didn't realize the extent to which I have been using the laptop as a virtual kitchen accessory. It is an indispensable aid to reading the newspaper. I constantly look up definitions, as I am reading, or jump into Google to locate some piece of info that I need to corroborate or complement what I am reading; not to mention the constant cooking support, but I have already told you about that.

It had been my intention to write, before Rosh Hashana and address this to the bulk of my contact list. Well I am often late, in such things, but it is never too late for good wishes. So here are mine. To all who give me the courtesy of reading my 'shtuyot', I take this occasion to wish you all the best in this New Year. We need and pray for Good Health and Peace. When that is taken care of we can move on to wishes for prosperity and happiness and Nachat.

5767 was a good year for yours truly. Each of you has done your small part to enhance my life this past year, and I thank you all. I look forward to your friendship, support and love (only where applicable) in 5768.

Gmar Chatima Tova